Want the Best Looking Lawn On Your Block? Make Sure You Water it Properly. Here’s How.
We’re now in the warm weather. We may love the summer drought, but our lawns don’t. Luckily we have an abundance of water in our municipal reservoirs, and the watering restrictions are not as draconian as they are in other cities.
So here’s how to keep your lawn looking lush and green this summer.
1. When should you water?
Water 2-3 times a week to allow a deep root system that is more resistant to drought conditions. Allowing the soil to dry out between waterings encourages the roots to dive deeper into the soil to seek out sources of moisture buried in the soil.
2. What time of the day should you water?
Water your lawn early in the morning ensuring that it will dry completely before nightfall. Watering at night on a regular basis can lead to fungus and other disease problems. Watering during the day is not as effective as there is higher evaporation.
3. How long should you water for?
This depends entirely on your soil type. If your soil is sandy, it will take longer for the water to get absorbed as opposed to a clay type soil that absorbs water more quickly. It also depends on the water pressure and what type of sprinkler system you have.
The rule of thumb is around 20-30 minutes to get an inch or so of water into your lawn.
Here are some other tips:
– After watering, stay off the grass. Walking on water soaked loan can cause damage to the turf and soil compaction.
– Make sure you don’t water for long periods of time that result in water flowing down the street or driveway.
– If you have brown patches that don’t respond to watering, check for other problems associated with the lawn.
– If you have automatic sprinklers, make sure you check them regularly for coverage and leaks.
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