If You Are Buying A Home With An Attic, You Must Get The Attic Inspected.
There are a lot of good reasons why buyers need to get into an attic or send their home inspector into the attic before completing a home inspection. An attic reflects the history of a home. It can provide clues to serious problems that might not be disclosed or even known by the current occupant of the home.Signs of previous fire damageIf the rafters are any other color than natural wood, this could be a sign that the home was on fire at one time. If the wood is black, scorched and sooty, that’s almost a sure sign it had been burned in the past. However, if the wood is painted white, this could indicate that the smoke and burned damage was covered up because painting wood helps to eliminate the smell.Water damageIf there is staining on the wood supports or on the walls, this is evidence that water has leaked or is leaking through the roof somewhere. Condensation can form around pipes, which can cause wood to rot.Damage from animals – rodents, squirrelsThe first sign that a critter has been living in the attic is often evidence discovered in the form of tiny pellets. Squirrels, raccoons or rodents often enter attics through the eaves or loose boards and if left undetected can cause considerable damage. Chimney damageOf course, one cannot inspect the interior of the chimney from the attic, but an inspector can note whether the structure itself is solid within the attic. That portion of the chimney that is not exposed to the elements can also weather and deteriorate, and this especially holds true for older homes. Inspectors will look for cracks in the bricks and whether the mortar has crumbled.Supporting truss or rafter damageRoof inspections won’t necessarily turn up defects in the structural members inside the attic. While the roof might look sound and secure, inside the attic you could find broken trusses or rafters. An inspection would disclose stress cracks that could lead to a loss of integrity and would also give buyers peace of mind that the size of the lumber was correct and up to code.A lot of prospective homebuyers look at the attic as an extra room or more storage space. An attic should get the same careful consideration as a roof.To learn more about Virani Real Estate Advisors or to discuss a property sale or purchase, email us at [email protected], visit one of our offices, or call 604-913-1000.
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