How You Can Help Your Agent Sell Your Home More Quickly

Your real estate advisor works passionately to ensure that your home is sold for the best possible price in the least possible time. However, you as the seller, have a very important role to play – you have to prepare your home for the sale as your agent cannot do this for you.

Your real estate professional will tell you that you have only one chance to make a first impression. According to popular real estate surveys, more than 60% of buyers know that the property is for them, the minute they walk in the door.

You have to make sure that considerable effort is put into making that first impression a favorable one. 

So what can you do? Simple basic things such as:

  • Make sure you cut the lawn and remove the leaves and debris near the front door.
  • If your front door looks slightly old and worn, give it a fresh coat of paint that is color coordinated with the trim.
  • De-clutter the foyer and make it a “grand” entrance. 
  • Placing a mirror over a hall table reflects light and gives your entrance a finished look.
  • Remove excess furniture and clutter from the living room.
  • Use neutral paint colors in the common areas and brighten dark corners.
  • Kitchens are instrumental in deciding whether your home will be sold or not – update your appliances. If you can’t, then make a good first impression with uncluttered, neat and sparkling clean counters. 
  • In the bathroom, new fluffy towels and accessories may help visitors overlook the dated vanity.

Obviously there is much more you can do than this, but these are tips that generally work. While your home is being listed, always make sure that it is kept clean and tidy. Your real estate professional will do his/her best in trying to sell your home and you need to do your part to ensure this is made possible.

We’re not in the real-estate business – we’re in the experience business. Allow us to help change the quality and direction of your life. Contact us is you have any real estate related inquiries. 

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