A Comprehensive 39 Point Inspection Checklist & Guide For Your Next Rental Apartment

Having a rental inspection checklist is a very valuable tool, as it will give you a list of questions to review before you move into any new rental apartment that you are considering. Proper preparation will save you time and frustration, as once you have signed a rental lease, breaking it can be expensive. So it is better to do your homework thoroughly before you move in.

Below is a list of some very valuable points to consider when viewing a rental property:

Bathroom & plumbing

  • Does the water in all the sinks turn hot and cold quickly?
  • Are the sinks, showers, baths clean – do they have any odd smells?
  • Do the toilets flush and refill properly?
  • Does the washer and dryer (if there is an in-house one) look and smell clean and are there any weird noises when they are operating?

Electrical and appliances

  • Do all the lights work properly?
  • Does the electrical panel have any tripped breakers and are they all labeled?
  • Do all the electrical outlets work properly?
  • Is the lighting enough or will you have to add lamps?
  • Is the refrigerator and freezer working – do they feel cold and do the lights work?
  • Are all the stovetop burners and oven working and functional?
  • Does the microwave and dishwasher work?

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning

  • If there is an air-conditioning unit, does it cool effectively?
  • Is the heating system/furnace working efficiently?
  • Are the vent registers and air ducts clean and well maintained?
  • If there is a fireplace, is it free of debris and dust, and if there is an electric one, does it work properly?

Floors, ceiling and walls

  • Are there any recent stains on the ceiling or walls from water damage?
  • Do any cracks appear in the walls or ceilings?
  • How does the property feel when walking around – warm or cold? (depending on the season – this will be useful when considering utility bills)
  • What is the condition of the floor coverings?
  • Is the paint or wall covering in good condition on all the surfaces of the property?


  • Is there enough closet space in the bedrooms and do they have shelves and or rods?
  • Are there any utility closets available for storing other possessions?
  • Are the kitchen cabinets in good condition and clean?
  • Is there any sign of insect activity in the storage cabinets?
  • For large items is there any extra storage space like a basement, attic or shed?
  • Do all the drawers work properly?

Doors and windows

  • Is there any broken glass or damage to the windows?
  • Can the windows be opened and closed smoothly?
  • Are there any windows or entrances that can be easily broken into?
  • Do the doors open, close and lock properly?


  • Does the balcony have a proper guardrail?
  • Is it easily accessible for intruders to get in?
  • Are there any visible signs of wasp nests or other pests nearby?
  • Do you have permission to use a barbeque or outdoor grill?
  • Is the space easy to clean and maintain?

General items

  • How is the cell phone reception throughout the property?
  • Are there any signs of insects, rodents or other pests in the corners, cabinets and other spaces?
  • If there is a basement, does it smell dank from mold or mildew?
  • How quiet is the place? Is there noticeable noise from the street or neighbors?

Tenants chose Virani because we offer an exceptional level of service and professionalism. For example, we use our proprietary technology that makes rent payments easy and effortless. Contact us for if you are looking for a property to rent.

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